“My childhood dream was to be a circus acrobat, and I took acrobatics classes for a number of years. I have always adored the sensation of flying.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Brenda
“One of my goals was to age gracefully and I think I have been doing that. ”
Read More40/40 Interview with Dana
“….it has taken me a long time to be happy being 50+ but I am finally here and seeing what everyone told me, that you just stop worrying so much about the little things.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Sarah
“I feel stronger in my 40s that I have felt at other points in my life. I have gone through big life challenges - physical and emotional - and I feel stronger for it.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Jeannine
“Each year I get better at not taking everything that happens around me so personal,”
Read More40/40 Interview with Erica
“My heart. It’s where my soul lives.””
Read More40/40 Interview with Marjorie
“Don’t regret what you aren’t any longer….we are all at some point in a continuum of life, I think.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Julia
“Trust your gut. In my younger years, I so often ignored what I thought to be true. I didn’t trust myself. I gave my energy the wrong kind of people for a lot of years and emotionally it took its toll on me. ”
Read More40/40 Interview with Carin
“Do more shit. Love unabashedly. If you’re not getting what you want, leave.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Devon
“Trust your gut. In my younger years, I so often ignored what I thought to be true. I didn’t trust myself. I gave my energy the wrong kind of people for a lot of years and emotionally it took its toll on me. ”
Read More40/40 Interview with Lori
“Look for a mentor, ask for help, it is ok to be seen and heard. Don't settle for less than you want.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Babe
“But I had no idea about what I was really capable of…”
Read More40/40 Interview with Mercedes
“I feel like my superpower is taking care of people, but that sometimes comes at the cost of me putting others' needs before my own. I’m working on finding balance in all aspects of my life.
Read More40/40 Interview with Corrina
“It’s magic to embody the truth of who I am and to effortlessly allow that to radiate out into the world around me.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Katia
“Take the time to reflect on the life you want. Build on your strengths. You are awesome.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Tina
“Lean into the sisterhood of women who see you, celebrate you and can remind you that you are magnificent. Find things that help you stay connected to your turn on, your pleasure, your desire.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Silke
“I would think that people would describe me as a driven person who makes time to have fun. I have also been described as intimidating - but I don’t know why”
Read More40/40 Interview with Peggy
“In my 60’s I reached a confidence level. I know who I am and what I am capable of after many decades of struggle. After two marriages and a 24 year relationship I have great courage to honor who I am. I’ve learned to both speak my truth and act upon it.”
Read More40/40 Interview with Jenni-Jo
“I love my eyebrows, my jawline. I feel that they add to my drama-queenness & expressiveness. And lately, I am loving my curves. I haven’t always. (#fuckthepatriachary!)”
Read More40/40 Interview with Kathy
“Now that my children are grown, I find myself embarking on an unknown adventure, once again, and I’m feeling confident, definitely up for it…”
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