What year were you born? Do you have anything to share about the event?
I was born in 1968. It was a Monday. My parents told me that I was born around lunch time (around 11 am) and made fun of me because lunch is my favorite meal - to this day:)
What was your life like growing up? What dreams and goals did you have for your life when you left High School?
We lived in a house in a small village in Germany that my parents built . I had 3 siblings. One brother and 2 sisters. I am a middle child. We spent a lot of time in our garden and in the nearby woods.
I had dreams of becoming a fashion designer and started with a BA in Textile Technology. I also wanted to find a life partner and have children. When I met my husband in 1990 I was already registered to get my MA in Fashion design 9 months later. Instead of going back to college I moved to the United States to be with my Dave (I would do it again!)
What is the one piece of advice would you give your younger self?
Relax more. Don’t worry so much.
Name at least one outstanding experience you have had in your life. How did this or these events affect you?
When I was 11 my dad became a paraplygic after an operation and that put our lives upside down. It was like we lost our dad that day because he used to be a very funny person and after he became confined to a wheelchair he became depressed and tried to kill himself a few times. I grew up fast in those years. My older siblings had moved out which left my mom, me and my little sister as caregivers. We took on all the chores around the house. It taught me that your life can change in a heartbeat. I try to enjoy every day as much as I can.
When in your life, so far, have you felt most confident and why?
I feel like I am most confident now. As I get older, I think I don’t care as much what other people think of me.
How have your dreams and goals changed now that you are 40+?
My child is grown and I only work part time anymore after owning a property management business for 20 years. Now my dreams are to spend more time with my husband, family and friends in general. I have less of a craving for material belongings. I prefer experiences and as much fun as possible.
Have your core values changed over time? What do you value now?
I don’t think my core values have changed. But how I operate in the world according to those values has changed, because my circumstances and needs have changed. I am no longer raising a child or working on a career, which frees me up to find ways to do good in the world.
Share an indulgence:
I love to eat good homemade food. Especially homemade bread.
I love beer…. Sleep is so wonderful.
How do other people to describe you or see you?
I would think that people would describe me as a driven person who makes time to have fun. I have also been described as intimidating - but I don’t know why.
What is your super power?
I usually wake up happy.
“Embracing change is necessary for growing old gracefully and happy.”
Can you share what your favourite part of your body is? Why?
I love my hair. I have had a long battle with my hair. Particularly my hair color. I started to go grey when I was 16. I started dying it after my pregnancy during which I turned even greyer. I was only 26. It was very upsetting to me to have to touch up every 2 weeks because the skunk stripe would show up. I tried several times during my 30s to stop dying my hair but went back to it because I just thought it made me look so old.
When I was 40 we went to Burning Man and my husband helped me bleach my hair blond. After we got back I realized that I was completely grey. I grew out the bleached hair and I had wavy beautiful grey hair. I get compliments on my hair all the time now and I hope to inspire other women to not dye their hair.
Do you like being 40+?
How has your relationship with yourself changed as you have gotten older?
I have become more confident as I gotten older and am at peace with who I am.
What goals/ambitions/dreams would you like to be working on that you haven’t had the opportunity to start on yet?
I want to travel more. I worked in my own business for 20 years and being on call all the time limited my ability to travel far from home.
I want to design and sew clothes for myself - this time only with the goal to please myself - not for a career.
I want to volunteer more.
What advice would you give your future self?
Enjoy your life
Are there any myths you would like to bust about the over 40s? If so, can you tell us about them?
Going to bed at 8 or 9 pm? Not true. I stay up later than when I had kids in the house.
You will have a hard time losing weight? Not necessarily true. I have the opposite problem.
You don’t sleep as well as you used to? Not true. I sleep better now than in my child rearing years. No interruptions in the middle of the night, no teenagers staying out late to worry about, etc.
Sexual appetite declines? Not true. ;-)
What advice do you have to offer to those who are approaching mid life or those that are in mid life and perhaps struggling with it.
Embracing change is necessary for growing old gracefully and happy. Especially women need to accept their wrinkles, stretch marks, gray hair, changing body etc - it will happen anyway. Might as well make peace with it.
Pay attention to what you eat. Eating healthy will make you feel better.
Enjoy this time. More freedom to do what you want to do.
Do you have a favourite book to recommend?
“Crescent” by Diana Abu-Jaber
Do you have a favourite quote to share?
Do not dwell in the past,
Do not dream of the future,
Concentrate the mind
On the present moment.
Thank you Silke for taking the time to share!