I feel like I now have documentation of this point in my life, and photographs that will be here long after I am gone. Hopefully bringing good memories to my son, my nieces and nephew of who I was. For myself, I have a images that remind me that I am strong, that I am capable, that I have retained that inner joy that life seems to try to beat out of you sometimes. I honestly look at them and think "it will be okay." It was an important shift for me from one point in my life to the next one.
When do you ever get to have the focus be squarely on you and what you want to present, how you want to present, yourself and then have a visual affirmation of that experience? When do you ever get a chance to see yourself from a different perspective and to be able to carry that with you. And to be in the company of a pretty remarkable photographer lady, who lights up rooms with her energy, confidence and charm, and changes peoples lives with her life work?? I gained a friend and I refound my soul in some small, but important and lasting way. I also felt special and honored to be a part of this project, it's not something I could have ever foretold.” ~M
“Life gets crazy and you stop doing things for yourself. This was the beginning of me reclaiming something that was mine that I forgot that I had and now I remember.”