For me, it’s challenging enough to choose what I’m going to wear on any one given day! So I totally get the feeling of overwhelm and perhaps intimidation at the thought of choosing what to wear for a boudoir inspired photoshoot!
“So What Should I Wear for my shoot?!”
When it comes right down to it, I often say: “If it makes you feel amazing then it’s probably the right thing.” “So I could wear my Overalls?” You ask half joking. “Absolutely, yes. Overalls = Yes.“ (This is the moment when your head explodes) Confused, you then say: “But I thought this was a boudoir shoot!!” “Doesn’t that mean lingerie?” Well, no not necessarily.” I say. And our conversation goes on from there.
Lingerie is not a have to. At least not for my shoots. Which is why I like to use the terms: Modern Boudoir and Boudoir Inspired. If at all possible I wouldn’t use the word Boudoir. That said, I find it is an excellent umbrella term that everyone has heard of. There are many interpretations and possibilities. For my style, reserving some of the mystery is something I strive for. I prefer a more ‘implied’ approach. I believe in personal story. That’s where wardrobe plays a big part by reflecting who you truly are.
What you wear should speak to you in some way. Since no two people are alike, what you wear can and should be equally unique. Playing with layers, textures… comfy socks! Boots. Who doesn’t feel like they can accomplish anything in boots? If no boots, barefoot! What is your story? Who are you?
When we get together to design your shoot, I make sure we talk personal style and what inspires you. And, the designing doesn’t end at the meeting. We exchange inspiration and ideas leading right up to the shoot date. I am there along the way to make sure you feel totally confident in your choices. And yes, I have been known to shop for clients. In the end, I want you to identify with the person in the images. I want you to connect on a deep level with your portraits. So, from Overalls to Lingerie, it’s all possible. There is no one size fits all wardrobe style. It’s about story, it’s about you.
Light test with my lovely assistant.
“Life gets crazy and you stop doing things for yourself. This was the beginning of me reclaiming something that was mine that I forgot that I had and now I remember.”