The Stories Behind Her Ink. In the Making...

To describe these three women -hard to find words…. They were incredibly playful, vulnerable, STUNNING.

I created this project to compose the tattoo’d body with beautiful light as well as incorporate personal story. I was looking for a result that would show the women that they are true works of art with incredible personal stories.


I asked the women to write a few words. Sharing their story about their ink. I plan to do more layering of their words as in the group shot above for their individual photos.

I'm really looking forward to working with more tattooed people. I want them to be able to experience their tattoos in a deeper way. To see them from the outside vs. looking in a mirror or a selfie.

By creating intentional images, composed and lit in a thought provoking way. What an amazing thing to have of one’s self and one’s tattoos.


Women with Tattoos Have Stories

How do you celebrate yourself? Your deep relationships to others? Your moments of growth? Your personal stories? I am a perfect example of driving myself hard to reach a goal and then just sailing right passed that achievement without taking pause to acknowledge it. To feel it deeply. I'm a thinkin', not only has Scottie achieved this with her tattoos, she will also have the opportunity to walk by this (it would look freaking amazing blown up on her wall, just sayin') and see herself as the goddess that she truly is. Art within art. Hell yes!


I have sent out a model call for women with tattoos. It is my goal to capture their beautiful art and create empowering portraits as well as details of their tattoos.

If you or perhaps someone you think might be interested in participating, or you would simply like to book your own shoot. Please get in touch ASAP. Booking space is limited.