Welcome to Your Prep Guide for you Sensual Shoot
This guide is here to help you prepare for your photo shoot. It includes suggestions to make selecting your wardrobe easier. Plus other important details (such as ironing clothing and taking care of your skin and nails) to insure your shoot is a success.
It is very important to me that I capture who you are at your very best...
When it comes to planning for your shoot keep it light, keep it fun! I know how easy it is to derail when it comes to deciding what to wear. *Psssst: Lingerie isn’t for everyone & isn’t necessary for a sensual shoot!
Bring multiple pieces.
A photoshoot is a process & variety is key. Clothing can reveal different aspects of personality in people.
I like to suggest 3-ish outfit changes. It typically works well to start out in a classic piece such as a black body suit and work your way up to lingerie.
If lingerie isn’t your thing, a simple bra and panty set layered with a woman’s oversized sleep shirt, a robe or leather jacket. Just keep the mantra: “Simple is better”.
Undies: There are so many cuts. I’m not against a thong however, in my experience, they reveal ‘all’ and some of us are sensitive about cellulite. Skin dimpling is a totally normal thing and yet, 98% of my clients just aren’t ready to embrace this aspect of their bodies in photographs. And that’s ok! If you are in this group, I suggest more coverage. Go for cheeky! Or a boy short if that suits you. In the end, it should match who you are.
Watch the fit
Anything that fits too snug is going to ‘sink into’ your flesh beyond what it normally would. I realize it‘s unavoidable to have a little of that. Just gotta be careful it isn’t a lot. Watch waist bands and bra straps. Also, stay away from bra cups that are too rigid as this can cause gaping in certain poses.
Go Shopping/borrow
A friend might have that ultra special robe or maybe it’s time to spoil yourself and shop! There is something to be said about having the wardrobe that you created these incredible images in. Just sayin’.
Plan to Bring Accessories
cool shoes (not bling but hey)
Layering can create a lot of different looks...
sheer robe or kimono
sheer skirt (ballet skirts work well)
Whatevery you decide, make sure you resonnate with it. That it makes you feel good.
We Can all Use a Little Polish. I like to touch on this subject because it is something that can make a massive difference not only in your images, but how you ‘feel’. Don’t do anything drastic too close to your shoot. Maybe don’t do anything drastic at all.
Hydration is key so be sure to up your water intake. Don’t drink (alcohol) heavily the night before. Get a good night’s sleep (ya sure! -I know how little I sleep I get the night before a shoot, so I can relate.) Just do your best. :)
Hair styling and face: If you are having makeup & hair done by my artist, arriving with clean hair and face with moisturized skin is perfect!
Exfoliating the skin can be beneficial but not a ‘have to’ if you do, give yourself a few days in between. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize (face & body). And don’t forget about your lips. Applying a moisturizing lip balm a few days in a row before your shoot will bring about the best, luscious lips.
If you wish to have any beautifying done ie: hair/brows/lashes/lady parts have them done two weeks before your shoot.
Body hair...If you want it in your images, cool. If not, be sure to groom according to your aesthetic.
Nails are the only thing that you can (and probably should) do closer to your shoot. In any case, be sure they are looking their best. Avoid bright, metallic and/or fluorescent colours as this can distract.